Canadian Independent College’s Academic Integrity Policy aims to align the school’s practices with the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Growing Success Document.
When administrators encounter issues with academic integrity, to determine the next course of action, the grade level and maturity of the student, along with the number and frequency of incidents, and the individual circumstances of the student will be taken into account. Engaging in any form of academic dishonesty or misconduct in order to obtain academic credit or advantage of any kind is an offence under this policy. Student’s understanding of academic integrity must be complete and lasting, and prepare them for future academic success.
Plagiarism includes: copying or paraphrasing the work of others without citation; misrepresenting someone else’s work as one’s own; copying another student’s work; translating work from one language to another without citation; using the same piece of work in two separate courses or for two separate assignments.
Cheating includes (but is not necessarily limited to): viewing or using tests or examinations without permission of the teacher; bringing and using notes, electronic or online translators, or other unauthorized aids in an evaluation or examination giving unauthorized aid to another student, sharing or allowing another student to copy or use one’s test, exam, essay or homework; theft of the test or examination; receiving excessive help with homework, take-home assignments, essays, etc, from a tutor, parent or fellow student.
Students failing to adhere to these standards on examinations will be expelled; those guilty of academic dishonesty on term work or tests are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
Teacher – If an incident of academic dishonesty is suspected, the teacher will assemble relevant evidence and interview the student. If in the teacher’s professional opinion and in consideration of any mitigating factors it is determined by the teacher that the student has a satisfactory explanation, the process stops. If the student has no explanation, has an unsatisfactory explanation and/or denies dishonesty, then the teacher will communicate with the Principal or designate within 24 hours.
Principal – The Principal will examine the evidence, interview the student(s) and inform parent(s) as needed of the investigation. Parent(s) will be given notice of the particulars of the case at this point: what is alleged, what the policy is and what the potential outcomes are.
It is the responsibility of students to be academically honest in all aspects of their schoolwork.
Examinations: In all cases, academic dishonesty on an examination (Midterm and Final) warrants expulsion and may result in that decision.
Other Evaluations, Assignments or Tests The general sanction guidelines that Canadian Independent College will apply in cases of academic dishonesty on work, assignments or tests other than examinations are as follows:
First Offence – The student will initially receive a grade of zero per cent on the test or assignment and then must complete an alternative assignment in order to demonstrate knowledge of the material. The alternative assignment will have a maximum value of up to 50% of the original assignment.
Repeated Offences – The student’s parent(s) will be informed. The student will receive a grade of zero per cent on the test or assignment and must complete an alternative assignment in order to demonstrate knowledge of the material. The alternative assignment will have a maximum value of up to 50% of the original assignment. The student will receive a one day in-school suspension to be coordinated with the Director of Guidance and the School Director. Such continued conduct may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion
First Offence – The student will initially receive a grade of zero per cent on the test or assignment and then must complete an alternative assignment in order to demonstrate knowledge of the material. The alternative assignment will have a maximum value of up to 50% of the original assignment. The student’s parents will be informed. The student must also write a letter to the teacher (to be approved by the Principal or designate) and to the parents demonstrating an understanding of the seriousness of cheating and with an assurance that there will be no future academic integrity issues.
Repeated Offences – The Principal or designate will meet with the student and notify his/her parent(s). The student will receive a grade of zero per cent on the test or assignment with no opportunity to complete an alternative assignment. The zero percent will not be removed in the calculation of the Final grade. Such continued conduct may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
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